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Cultural Differences

A few summers ago I visited Ottawa, Canada. Being a New Yorker, the concept of slowing down is a tough one. Every time I stop to slow down in this city, I feel the city rushing by me. However, the 2 weeks I spent in Ottawa I never once felt that kind of urgency. Maybe it was because I was on vacation and didn't have any deadlines to meet or hours to fulfill. However I think it had more to do with the culture around me changing. No longer was everyone in a rush to beat someone to the closest cab or try to fight their way onto the crowded train. There was a sense of tranquility in air. Everyone knew where they were going but they were in no hurry to get there. One of the things I've always heard about Canada was how nice the people usually are, and I found this to be true. I think the slower paced lifestyle there certainly allows more time out of ones day to be nice. A little time manages to go a long way. My cousins have adjusted to the slower paced lifestyle of Ottawa. They too used to be one of those people that always seemed in a hurry. I guess being New Yorker, I sometimes take slowing down for granted.

As a Bengali American there are other cultural differences. I grew up in Brooklyn, so my values and cultural up-bringing have been very 'New York'. However one thing I've noticed about many people that have come here from Bangladesh is that they eat with their hands (the right one always). I grew up eating with utensils so it is different when I went to Bangladesh and saw many of the people eating with their hands there. It's pretty fascinating how the tiniest differences can vary so greatly across the globe.


Megan said...

I have noticed how fast paced New York City is. Even with walking in the streets, you can notice it. I, myself, do walk at a pretty face pace. If there ever is a time that I do slow down, I feel like it's not right and I have to walk at the pace of everyone else or else I am in someone's way.

Since we live in NYC, we are used to this kind of lifestyle. Like you said, you sometimes take slowing down for granted. I think slowing down will allow us to better value everything around us.

Shabe said...

I, like you, have grown up in New York City my whole life and am also a Bengali-American. I've been to several cities in Europe myself and it's definitely uncomfortable to be in a place where you don't fit in. People in other areas besides New York City are much less worried about the time they reach their destination and much more about appreciating the travel and leisure. For example, when I went to Paris everyone besides the tourists were taking their time and nobody was in a rush to go somewhere. Life in other areas are slower and definitely affect the culture and mood that's set. Perhaps that's why we're considered the city that never sleeps. Being on the move at all times and at all hours makes us an ever breathing and living society that stops for no one.

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