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Decision Making

During the 3/15 class, I used accommodation to handle the situation. Time was very short and we had to either come up with a decision or get nothing out of the entire class and constant back and forth. It was probably the only method that could of been used as time was winding down. If we including myself did not accommodate to some sort of agreement we would of all been stuck with the mean of 65. I think we could of stuck with a little more collaborating though. I feel like some of the ideas were shut down to quickly and never discussed. For example for open note, a few people were against it, however there was no sort of remote discussion to say if we could possibly sway them to approve open note. It was just a "oh one person voted against this", let me erase this. That I thought was the biggest issues more so then anything. I think there could of been a great deal of compromise had we at least discussed the issues a bit before shutting it down, especially since so much of what was shut down had plenty of potential to be accepted.


Orrie S said...

I agree that, to some extent the lady upfron would not give anyone a chance to back something up before erasing it from the board. However, i am glad that she did go about the process like that or else we would have not gotten anything done. If we had more time, it would be one thing but we needed to expedite the process. we had so many different alternatives on the board she had to be quick or else we would have been stuck with the mean of 65 like you said. I also took the accomodation approach. I think it is the most beneficial approach given our circumstances with time and group size. Anyway, at least we got some sort of decision. I didnt even think we would succeed in the beginning of the class.

organized_chaos said...

I think more discussion on certain things would have been better but it was hard to do with time contraints to discuss every single issue that everyone had. I think if a lot of people objected to one idea, then that idea could be put off the table. But I feel if only one or two people had an issue with a suggestion then the class should've discussed it more as it is easier (ie less time-consuming) to try and see what problem that one person had with the issue and try to compromise with him/her so that the essence of the solution can be used with whatever minor tweak everyone finds reasonable.

CEO said...

I totally agree that the "one person doesn't agree so lets erase it" method was wrong. If we tried to get that one person to agree with the majority, the class would have been more productive, or so I believe. However, I must applaud some people's guts to actually be the only one to vote against the whole class.

House of opinions and ideas said...

I think the opened book or note exam is not a good idea. I had several opened book exams in my experience, believe me it is very hard. It is not only my opinion it is also opinion of my classmates who had opened book exam with me. Professor can put questions in the way , that if you don’t know exactly where answer is in the book you going to fail. As concerns opened notes exam, it is even worse, because your note have less material then in the book. Besides, many students can’t at the same time understand professor well and make a good notes.

Shabe said...

Absolutely agree that there could have been more discussion to sway votes but we have to also consider the time constraints. Had we debated each idea, we probably would not have reached the final amount we did now. I felt the same way that there were some ideas that we were really good and were shut too quickly but after considering the situation, it probably was better that we didn't argue for 10 minutes over it.

I still wanted to have the options of essays though.

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