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Laugh at my "skill"

Humpty Dumpty fell from a desk
Humpty Dumpty made a great mess
all to teach us a lesson
boy this class inspired second guessing
boy i wish those test weren't so hard
but alas, 4 pickles came to the rescue
We even threw starfish in the sea
Of course, figuratively
one of the most interesting classes yet
i class i will not forget
all that's left is that final test
i wish you all the best
lets break a leg
like we broke that egg

Communicating via Blog

Blogging is an interesting form of communicating in the class. After reading the reasons why Professor Kurpis chose to do a blog for this class I can somewhat agree with his reasoning. My thoughts on blogs are somewhat similar albeit a slightly different. I think blogging is especially good for those people who are not particularly talkative in class. I feel like it allows for more people to express their opinions especially if they are shy. I think blogging is also a good way for a person to earn a certain portion of their grade although admittedly I personally had trouble always remember to do my blog, particulary the commenting aspect of it. I think that part could just be my problem although I can definetly see people forgetting to comment on other peoples blogs. Although I do the purpose of commenting on other peoples blogs cause it at least assures someone having to go out and read your blog. For me however blogging is a very impulsive thing however. I feel like blogging is something I would do out of impulse as opposed to by a certain date. I suppose that could just be my lazy side talking seeing as I forgot comment sometimes, but I feel like blogging is an impulsive act.

All that being said, I think the blog should remain an active part of this class for semesters to come and I hope that other professors will somehow include blogging in their classes as a form of particpation.


The DISC test was quite interest and accurate. My results for the DISC test turned out to be I-D, which is Influential-Dominant. While the test was going on I noticed a trend in my answers and that trend proved to be quite true. I think I agree with the assessment although I thought I was going to get Influential and Conscientious. I would consider myself a conscientious person and have been told by many close people that I am so. Do I wish I was another type? Not really, I think the types I have gotten are quite good in the position of leadership. I think the ability to influence is extremely important in the role of leadership.

Ultimately I think one needs a combination of all 4 to be a successful manager, but a certain level of dominance and influence are probably the most important. As I said earlier I was surprised I did not get conscientious because I think a manager has to be very analytical. So do I think I can become another type? Well I think the conscientious part applies to me, so I guess the answer to that question would be yes.

I think it's important to know how a persons type to understand the way they manage. It's a very insightful way to look at how decisions are mad once you know how a person thinks. However you can also see the way a person thinks and it can be different from their results.
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