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The Oracle

1. Establishing a Successful Programming Board in Baruch College as part of USG.

Currently I am a senator in the undergraduate student government and one of the things our government did was start a programming board like most other colleges have, but Baruch does not. This was the stepping stone to what I hope to be something much bigger and grandeur. There were recently elections for next years USG and I managed to win a seat and with that seat I hope to take charge of the programming board. One of the things I want the programming to do is bring in an A-list artist to perform at Baruch because our school doesn't have a good track record of bringing in these artists for exposure. We almost managed to do that this year but it didn't work out because of funds. However with the student activity free increase, there will be a lot more money for concerts of this sort to happen. I hope to have set some kind of precedent with this programming board.

2. Travel the the countries on my "To Visit List"

This may be generic and probably on many peoples lists, but it is something I really want to do. My first goal to accomplish this is studying abroad in Australia next winter or working abroad in Turkey next winter. Either of these will be a stepping stone to keep on crossing names of countries of my list. My lists goes from famous well known tourists places such as France and Spain to lesser known destinations like Nepal. I guess a top three for me would consist of Egypt, New Zealand and Greece(as of right now). It would help if I made decent money in the future to accomplish all this traveling of course.

3. Getting a job at a top-marketing firm.

Again, pretty generic but I suppose college is to help you get to these places. As an international marketing major I'm still sort of all over the place of exactly what I want to do, so I guess the first step would be to sit down and really think about what aspect of marketing I want to focus on. Advertising is where I'm leaning now, but I have to continue to research different firms, network and build my resume so I when I apply, I'll be as ready as I can be.
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